Is Parrot Anafi USA the enterprise version of the Parrot Anafi drone?

Yes, Parrot Anafi USA is the enterprise version of the Parrot Anafi drone, featuring both thermal and RGB video sensors.

The name is derived from its manufacturing and assembly process being carried out in the United States and was specifically developed for government agencies and first responders.

This drone is particularly useful in cases where US government departments face limitations on purchasing DJI drones, but many of those data security concerns have already been alleviated.

It is important to note that the technology employed in the Parrot Anafi USA is generally less refined and user-friendly compared to the corresponding offerings from DJI.

In terms of specifications and capabilities, the DJI Mavic 3 Thermal is the current-generation equivalent, surpassing the Parrot Anafi USA in multiple ways.


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Is Parrot Anafi USA the enterprise version of the Parrot Anafi drone?

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