What DJI Mini 2 accessories can be used with DJI Mini 3 Pro?
DJI Mini 3 Pro is compatible with DJI RC-N1 and related accessories, as well as the DJI 18W USB Charger.
Other DJI Mini 2 accessories are not compatible with DJI Mini 3 Pro.
This answer was generated from information sourced from the following pages:
- DJI Mini 3 Pro Drones and Accessories - www.heliguy.com/collections/dji-mini-3-pro
- DJI 18W USB Charger - www.heliguy.com/products/dji-18w-usb-charger
- DJI Mini 2 SE Drones and Accessories - www.heliguy.com/collections/dji-mini-2
- heliguy™ Blog - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/
- Drone Tutorials - www.heliguy.com/pages/help/