Does the A2 CofC allow me to operate commercially?

Yes. You can use an A2 CofC to fly commercially or recreationally, so long as the flight is conducted within the boundaries of the subcategory you are flying in.

If your planned mission or missions exceed the limits of the Open Category, then you should take a GVC course to enable you to apply for an Operational Authorisation (similar to the old PfCO) to fly in the Specific Category.

In some cases, you might have a drone which can be flown in the A2 Subcategory - such as a Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced, Phantom 4 RTK, Mavic 3 Enterprise Series, as they are under 2kg - but you require greater flexibility for your missions, so the GVC is the more prudent route.

heliguy™ advises that if you are investing in enterprise platforms, or have aspirations of scaling your operations within the enterprise sector, then obtaining a GVC will provide greater scope.


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Does the A2 CofC allow me to operate commercially?

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