What factors can lead to an update failure when updating the DJI Mini 2 SE firmware?
There are a number of factors that can lead to an update failure when updating the firmware on the DJI Mini 2 SE.
- The battery level of the aircraft or remote controller is below 20%.
- The aircraft or the remote controller is powered off during an update. If this happens, restart the aircraft and remote controller, and try again.
- The network is disconnected during a firmware download.
- Your smartphone interface is switched to other applications during a firmware download.
Please note that the aircraft will restart multiple times during an update and automatically power off after completing the update.
This answer was generated from information sourced from the following pages:
- DJI Mini 2 SE Drones and Accessories - www.heliguy.com/collections/dji-mini-2
- heliguy™ Blog - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/
- Drone Tutorials - www.heliguy.com/pages/help/