What is the difference between the DJI M300 RTK and the DJI M200 Series V2?

At launch, the M300 RTK became DJI's flagship commercial drone - meaning there are some key differences between this aircraft and the M200 Series V2.

In a nutshell, the M300 RTK can fly longer, carry more payloads, has enhanced safety features, and has a greater IP rating - making it more weather-resistant than the M200 Series V2.

Sophisticated payloads, such as the H20T and H20 multi-sensor solutions, L1 lidar sensor and P1 high-resolution 45MP camera, have been engineered especially for the M300 RTK to maximise mission efficiency and data collection.

Read our M300 RTK v M200 Series V2 blog for a more in-depth comparison.


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What is the difference between the DJI M300 RTK and the DJI M200 Series V2?

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