What is the operating time of a fully charged DJI RC Plus? How long does it take to fully charge?
When using only the built-in battery, DJI RC Plus provides a maximum operating time of approximately 3.3 hours.
Using the built-in battery in addition to an external battery provides a maximum operating time of approximately 6 hours.
It takes approximately 2 hours to fully charge the built-in battery. Charging time when using the built-in and external batteries together:
- Approx. 2 hours with the external battery (0% battery level) mounted and the battery level of the built-in battery is also 0%.
- Approx. 70 minutes with the external battery (0% battery level) mounted and the battery level of the built-in battery is 100%.
*It is recommended to use the included battery charging hub and the USB-C to USB-C high-speed data cable for optimal charging. The charging time may vary according to ambient temperature.
This answer was generated from information sourced from the following pages:
- DJI RC Plus (Inspire 3) - www.heliguy.com/products/dji-rc-plus-inspire-3
- heliguy™ Blog - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/
- Drone Tutorials - www.heliguy.com/pages/help/