Which propellers come with the M300 RTK?
The M300 RTK comes with standard DJI 2110 propellers for Matrice 300 RTK. You could also use the DJI M300 2195 high altitude low-noise propellers.
This answer was generated from information sourced from the following pages:
- DJI Matrice 300 Drones and Accessories - www.heliguy.com/collections/dji-matrice-300
- Matrice 300 Series 2195 High Altitude Low Noise Propeller - www.heliguy.com/products/matrice-300-series-part15-2195-high-altitude-low-noise-propeller
- heliguy™ Blog - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/
- Drone Tutorials - www.heliguy.com/pages/help/