What is the difference between traditional surveying and drone surveying?
Drone surveying has multiple advantages over traditional surveying, including speed, safety, streamlined project management and automated/repeatable data collection.
However, drones don’t have to take away from traditional methods: Rather than can be used to complement existing workflows. As such, drones will not replace surveyors.
For more details, read our traditional surveying vs drone surveying blog.
This answer was generated from information sourced from the following pages:
- heliguy™ Survey Assist - www.heliguy.com/collections/heliguy-survey
- Drone Surveying vs Traditional Surveying - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/traditional-surveying-vs-drone-surveying
- heliguy™ Blog - www.heliguy.com/blogs/posts/
- Drone Tutorials - www.heliguy.com/pages/help/