DJI Spark Quick Tips – Circle Mode
A step by step guide on how to use the Circle mode on the DJI Spark drone.
The QuickShot Circle Mode on the DJI Spark allows you to capture smooth, cinematic footage by flying in a circular motion around your subject. Follow this guide to enable and use this feature effectively.
How to use QuickShot Circle Mode
Open the DJI Go 4 App and make sure your drone is set to P-Mode.
Open the Quick Shot menu and select Quick Shot in that menu.
Use your finger and drag a box over the subject you want to track and keep in frame.
Once the bottom menu appears, click Circle Mode.
You can tap the circle icon again to adjust the flight distance of the circle; this will change how far the drone flies away from you.
Once you have changed the settings, click the “GO” button to start the circle.
Once you have clicked “GO,” the drone will circle you and record a 10-second clip as it goes.
Once the drone has completed this shot, it will safely return to the home point set or where the GPS was locked.
Need more help?
For more information on DJI Spark features contact heliguy™ for expert support.