Published on 10 Sep 2015
James Willoughby
Inspire Pro Camera
Rumours of a new camera for the DJI Inspire 1. There's talk of a micro four thirds 16 megapixel sensor and a narrower angle lens. Zoom too? ... Read More
Exciting rumours about the new pro camera for the extremely popular DJI Inspire 1. DJI is rumoured to be making an announcement tonight (1.00am Friday September 10th UK time) which will reveal a new gimbal and micro four thirds sensor camera, which some suggest could even have a zoom and interchangeable lenses. Certainly a better, narrower prime lens and camera combo appear to be on the cards. It's thought the new camera will have a 16 megapixel sensor. It was in February this year that DJI announced that it was supporting the micro four thirds standard, along with Panasonic, among others, who make the GH4 4K camera. The GH4, which can already be flown on DJI's heavy lift rigs the S900 and 1000, has a 16 megapixels MFT sensor. On those aircraft the camera can only be used with a 12mm Olympus Zuiko lens, which gives a 35mm equivalent of 24mm. The lens in the pictures circulating on the internet appears to be a Panasonic F1.7 15mm, which would give a full frame equivalent of 30mm, if the sensor is a micro four thirds. That means a narrower field of view than the existing Inspire 1 camera, but it's nearer the sort of lens that pros are after. F1.7 would be faster than the existing F2.8 too. Another thought it that DJI could be releasing a complete, new drone/camera package - the Inspire 2 or Inspire Pro. What do you think? More here when we get it. In the meantime, if you're keen to get hold of DJI's new release, please form an orderly queue by putting down your deposit.Zenmuse-X5C.png 444.jpg 2221.jpg 5555-1.jpg0002.jpg