Published on 15 Apr 2016
James Willoughby
NEWS: CAA Clarify Age Restriction For Aerial Work
Heliguy have received word that there is now an age restriction for trainees looking to obtain their Permission for Aerial Work (PFAW) from the CAA ... Read More
Heliguy have just received an update from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regarding the age applicants must be to legally obtain their Permission for Aerial Work (PFAW). CAA-Logo-new.jpg Heliguy. National Qualified Entity No. 1011
Minimum age for PFAW
The CAA has clarified that the minimum age for PFAW candidates is 18. They further explained their decision by stating that:
"A minor (u18) doing aerial work will probably be entering into a contract for the work. A minor is free to enter into a legally valid contract but, to protect minors, there is a legal assumption that a contract entered into with a minor is voidable, which means that the minor can cancel the contract at any time prior to reaching the age of majority. Therefore, the CAA can justify a policy of 18 years old to apply for a PFAW. Therefore, at this point the CAA will not issue a PFAW to any person under the age of 18. This however does not stop them for flying a drone for recreational purposes as long as they consider Article 166 of the ANO and don’t endanger other traffic in the skies.__”
As a Nationally Qualified Entity as recognised by the CAA, Heliguy are committed to ensuring that all regulations are met when conducting our training courses across the UK.