Heliguy Partners With DJI Academy To Deliver Free Drone Surveying Course


Heliguy Partners With DJI Academy To Deliver Free Drone Surveying Course

heliguy™ partners with DJI Academy to deliver a free online training course for the DJI Zenmuse L1. The course, prepared and presented by the heliguy™ in-house surveying team, features more than two hours of video content, providing end-to- ... Read More

  • heliguy™ partners with DJI Academy to deliver online training course for the DJI Zenmuse L1 sensor;

  • The course is now free and features more than two hours of dedicated video content, including demonstrations and step-by-step tutorials; 

  • Course delivered by the heliguy™ in-house surveying specialists, who obtained 15mm accuracy with the L1 during a coastal management survey;  

  • Syllabus includes sensor set-up, mission planning, PPK and RTK operations, and post-processing in DJI Terra and Terrasolid - covering aspects such as classification, cleaning, DTM creation, measurements and verifying point cloud accuracy;

  • L1 course originally developed by heliguy™ for UK client base, but DJI partnered with heliguy™ to release it to the global market.    

heliguy™ has partnered with DJI Academy to offer a free online Surveying Workflow Training Course dedicated to the DJI Zenmuse L1 sensor.


The comprehensive guide, created and presented by the heliguy™ in-house surveying team, provides end-to-end support for the LiDAR and photogrammetry payload.


Delivered across six video modules, the content covers topics such as set-up, data collection best practises, post-processing in DJI Terra, and point cloud cleaning and classification in Terrasolid, including how to smooth and remove noise and creating DTMs for manual classification.

The free course, featuring on-screen demonstrations, examples and accompanying voice-overs during more than two hours of video content, can be and will be uploaded to the DJI Academy website in Q3. The Academy is a global initiative from DJI designed to create a UAS training service platform that establishes global industry training standards and provides advanced pilot skills.

The L1 training videos can also be accessed via the heliguy™ website and learners can benefit from direct support from the course creators who have vast experience of using the L1 in the field, including revealing high levels of accuracy with the payload during a coastal management survey at Pagham

heliguy™ surveying lead, Ben Sangster, said: “We are delighted to partner with DJI Academy to offer L1 training material, which enables operators to maximise the capabilities of the L1 payload to capture better drone survey data.

“We originally developed the L1 course for our heliguy™ UK clients, but on review by DJI they decided to collaborate with us for release to the global market, delivered by DJI Academy.

“We hope that the course benefits the global drone survey community and we look forward to working on other exciting projects through the DJI Academy partnership."

Andrew Zhu, DJI Academy, said: “We believe this educational series can help all L1 users get the most out of their payload. Special thanks to heliguy™ for their hard work in putting this resource together."

As well as the L1 content, heliguy™ has developed an M300 RTK online handover course.

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