Published on 29 Sep 2014
James Willoughby
Quadcopter Complete Aerial Systems
PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM PRODUCTION We don’t just build your Aerial System, we advise and support your decision making. Extensive Capabilities Airframe. Flight Controller. Camera Control >>> Endurance. Stability. Flexability. This is wh ... Read More
We don't just build your Aerial System, we advise and support your decision making.
Extensive Capabilities
Airframe. Flight Controller. Camera Control >>> Endurance. Stability. Flexability. This is what we focus on when it comes to any machine we offer, from a small machine to carry a GoPro up to large heavy lift machines carrying Epic or LiDar systems. Multi-rotor systems have come a long way, and we're confident we can spec a system that will suit your needs for low level aerial work.
Law and Certification
We've been through it all before, so we can give you the advice you need to get up and running quicker. From the BNUS-S qualification and CAA permission for aerial work, to insurance advice to protect you and others, and your responsibilities to the public. We'll tell you what you need to know.
High end equipment and parts
We're always trying out the latest tech, seeing what works and what doesn't, whats great and whats just not worth it. These all filter through to the systems we build, they're constantly improving. Combine this with parts that are reliable and readily available and you get a system that will do the job, and keep doing it.
Support. Forever.
When you buy a system from us, we're here to help, forever. From a problem or new upgrade to comprehensive maintenace schedules, we'll do our best to make sure you stay in the air and get the results you want. We also have an increasing network of global UAS operators that we work closely with - we want you all to collaborate, exchange ideas and make this industry the best it can be.
Optional full training days
Our Northumberland facility provides an awesome amount of space to fly and train in, along with our workshop where you can see how we work and see our existing Aerial Systems in action. Training days with your new build are highly reccomened. We cover everything from basic air law and CAA guidelines, through to maintenace of your machine and how it works. And of course teach you how to fly and how to get the most out of your machine whatever its application. We're BNUC-S qualified, you will be too.
Claim your tax back
We operate the VAT Retail Export scheme for companies and individuals outside the UK that wish to pick their system up in the UK (usually after training). This means that you can take your machine back with you after training with us, and claim the 20% VAT back.
What We've Been Building Recently...
Cinestar 8 for Canon 5D to Red Epic
IN PROGRESS... for a production company who are expanding to include low altitude aerial cinematography on top of their already impressive portfolio. Full training with the system will be provided. Spec: CS8 Frame | CS Gimbal | DJI WKM Cinestar_8_NoCamera_2-300x193.jpgCinestar_8_5D_2-300x193.jpg
AD8 for Canon 7D
Built for a cameraman to expand his capability to include aerial photo and film. We will also be training him before he takes his BNUC flight exam to allow him to operate commercially. Spec: AD8 Frame | AV200 Gymbal | DJI WK-M IMG_06351-300x193.jpgproMount-300x193.jpg
Skyjib 8 for Canon EOS C300
Built to carry large payloads such as the Canon C300 and provide awesome aerial cinematography. The Skyjib platform can easily handle this weight and more with good flight times. On going support and updates has been a big part of the service we still provide for this system. Spec: SJ8 Frame | AV200 Gymbal - Modified | DJI WK-M sj1-300x193.jpgsj4-300x195.jpg
Great systems to learn to fly with, fly a small POV camera, or just have some fun!
Snap Quad
image1_5001-300x193.jpg The Snap Quad is a snap together quadcopter airframe. No tools or fasteners are required for assembly. The unique interlocking design allows the parts to snap into place. Snap Quad Snap Quad XL
DJI Quadcopter
image1_5147-300x193.jpg Designed by DJI for use with their Wookong-M or Naza flight control system, this is a great light and strong frame to learn with! FREE with any Wookong M purchase. DJI Quadcopter Frame DJI Quadcopter NAZA Kit DJI Wookong M
Add motors, ESCs, props, radio control and a flight controller to get your system in the air!
image1_5059-300x193.jpgThe power for your quadcopter. Larger motors spin larger props for greater lift. You'll need 4. 2826 930 KV 2830 750 KV
image1_4969-300x193.jpgControls the speed of each motor. You'll need 4. 20A ESC 30A ESC
Radio Control
image1_4071-300x193.jpgControl for your quad, your RX connects directly into the ports on you flight controller. You'll need at least 5 channels Spektrum DX6i Spektrum DX8 Hitec Aurora 9
Flight Controller
image1_5071-300x193.jpgThe brain of you quad, we recommend Hoverfly or DJI, get a good one and use it on your more advanced systems in the future! Hoverfly Sport Hoverfly PRO DJI Naza DJI Wookong M
Best in class performance up to 1.5kg payloads.
Designed to provide a super stable and smooth aerial platform for applications ranging from photography and HD video to full data imaging. These systems use version 3 Droidworx AD series frames that have been proven to provide outstanding performance in a variety of applications. We use GPS-aided flight control systems that hold the systems rock-steady in the sky. Our camera gimbals allow for pan and roll compensation, for super smooth natural video, and can be outfitted with advanced gymbal management systems. Add to this high quality electronics and you can see why you can rely on our systems whatever your doing, wherever you're doing it. Using off-the-shelf, proven components allows us to put together systems that are a lot better value for money than many of the SUAS systems you will no doubt have come across. We have tested these components to make sure they work well together, and their availability means repairs and maintenance are not only easier, but cheaper. P1160689-300x193.jpg3Y6-300x193.jpgADX-4-pro-mini2-300x193.jpg
Example Systems
AD4 GoPro
A great upgradable system to begin with and add to as you go. Go co-axial with 8 motors to give more lift when you want to use a larger camera. Spec: AD4 frame | GoPro Mount | HoveryFly Pro Starting Price: £2000 | €2320 | $3140 AD-4HL-300x193.jpgPOV-mount-300x193.jpg
ADX3 TM700
Six rotors Y6 give reliability and redundancy and allow for a larger wide FOV camera, like the 1080 50P TM700. You can see some example video we shot with a similar system in the slideshow above. Spec: ADX3 Frame | AV130 Gymbal | DJI WK-M Starting Price: £3500 | €4060 | $5495 ADX-3HL-300x193.jpgproMountMini-300x193.jpg
AD6 550D
Flat Hex config gives redundancy and larger props provide power for a mid-size DSLR such as the Canon 550D. A system that will provide excellent stills and super smooth video. Spec: AD6 Frame Extended | AV200 Gymbal | DJI WK-M Starting Price: £4000 | €4640 | $6280 AD-6HL-300x193.jpgproMount-300x193.jpg
High performance systems realizing a new era in aerial cinematography and industrial applications.
HIGH PAYLOAD Providing the best platform we have seen for true high end performance. With a payload up to 9KG with the right electronics, these systems open up a new world of possibilities in not only cinematography, but across the industrial sector. 3D imaging, surveillance, waypoint missions and high payload allow these systems to lift heavier equipment, and keep it in the air for longer. Want to fly Red EPIC? These machines will deliver that 4K 120FPS aerial footage in a way that no other aerial platform ever could. This is a new age of cinematography. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Small, lightweight CX series craft provide a great platform for industrial mission that don't require the payload, but require the versatility to fly in less-than-perfect weather conditions. With an enclosed electronics bay, these craft can operate in these conditions and their small size allows them to fly in tight spaces, even indoors. Inspection, thermal imaging and advanced FPV are only some of the applications these craft excel in. intro-300x193.jpgCS8-1-300x193.jpgCXLeftGPBody-300x193.jpgBoom-Nacelles-300x193.jpgAD-8HL-2-300x193.jpg
Example Systems
AD8 360 7D
Take a Canon 7D into the air for truly awesome photography and beautiful, smooth full HD cinematography from a reliable, stabilised system. Spec: AD8 360 extended frame | AV200 Gymbal | PicLoc 3X Pro | DJI WK-M Starting Price: £5000 | €5800 | $7850 AD-8HL-300x193.jpg360.jpg
CX4 Thermal
Use a Flir TAU thermal camera to capture imagery and data from an angle previously reserved for highly paid skilled workmen or full size helicopters. The ultimate industrial tool. Spec: CX4 Frame | Flir Tilt Mount | DJI WK-M | Heliguy SUAS Groundstation Starting Price: £5000 | €5800 | $7850 CXFrontCamDown-300x193.jpg180TUD-300x193.jpg
SkyJib 8 Epic
Fly one of the best cameras in the world to capture footage like nothing else ever seen. We mean that, these systems can fly high or low, lower than a full size heli ever could. Spec: SkyJib 8 Frame | AV200 360 Gymbal with Retracts | DJI WK-M Waypoint Starting Price: £8500 | €9915 | $13200 CS8-2-300x193.jpgproMount-300x193.jpg Keywords: Heliguy Quadcopter