Compared with DJI Mini 3 Pro, what are the upgrades in the camera module of DJI Mini 4 Pro?

Compared with the camera module of DJI Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mini 4 Pro has the following major upgrades:

  1. A new image-processing platform is used to improve the overall imaging performance.
  2. The HDR video specification has been upgraded from 4K/30fps to 4K/60fps.
  3. The Slow Motion specification has been upgraded from 1080p to 4K.
  4. The new 10-bit D-Log M and HLG color modes record colors and details with a high dynamic range.
  5. The new Night video mode (Night Shots) delivers enhanced low-light performance.
  6. The simulated long exposure (shutter speed of up to 8 s) enables more creative possibilities.
  7. A next-gen SmartPhoto algorithm is adopted to effectively improve photo quality.
  8. The resolution of panorama photos is higher.


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